Monday, May 11, 2009

It's a girl! ...and a house!

I am so bad at updating this! My cute friend Marie called me today and reminded me that I haven't updated it in a while... :)

So... IT'S A GIRL!!! Her name will be Annabella Capri. She's been kicking a lot and even Jason has been able to feel her moving - it's been so much fun! My mom is super excited since this will be her first granddaughter. This photo is how we announced it to her and my dad:

Other than a killer stuffy nose (caused by being pregnant) I am really starting to enjoy pregnancy! It's just really cool. I have to admit that I was pretty freaked out by finding out it was a girl - I was totally expecting it to be a boy! I have no idea what to do with a girl! I guess I'll figure it out!! :)

So, a few weeks ago, Marie's dad took Jason and I to a new development in West Jordan and showed us the model homes that were being built. Now, we are currently building a new home! We are so excited! We have been able to go to the design center and pick out everything from the outside color to kitchen cabinets and carpet. What a blast! But, quite overwhelming when you have a million choices and make decisions like I do...

This is what we were down to at the end... from 10,000,000 other choices!

They say the house will be finished in August, but until then we are moving out of our apartment in a couple of weeks and in with my parents until it's completed. That way we can save up some money to help out at closing. Fun, fun!