Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Etsy Shop & MORE!

So I decided to open an Etsy shop. I am pretty excited about it, but I still have to get a few more things put into it. So far, it's just a few scrapbooking things. I am hoping that it will inspire me to broaded my design skills. Feel free to check it out: aimcreative.etsy.com.

Also, for those people who actually read our blog, I have added a whole bunch of images and stuff from the past year - so you will have to scroll down and see them if you are really interested. :) Cabo, Halloween, St. George - and more!

Monday, January 12, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Ok, Ok, I know that it is the 12th of January... not the first. But, I have been taking this New Year's Resolutions thing seriously. I would like to think that this year will be a better year and that I will be able to end 2009 a better person. I have been thinking about my own goals and what motivates me and I have tried to use those things to make a list of things I want to accomplish THIS year (not in 20 years), and how I want to start directing my life.

Goals I have set for myself:

1) I am dedicating myself more whole-heartedly to working out and improving my body and overall health. This includes running 5-6 days a week, toning my muscles, and doing yoga regularly. Oh, and eating a better diet... no more cookies and brownies for breakfast! Think oatmeal and blueberries...

2) I am striving to improve my mind and spirit. I write in my journal almost daily (at least weekly), read my scriptures daily, and I am going to start reading books again - like one a month. No more Women's Health magazine and SELF - I need real reading material!

3) I am starting to draw and paint again. This really fits under "improving mind and spirit," but it is important enough that I have to list it separately.

4) I am more dedicated to my work and being more creative. I have a bunch of websites on the table and in my head that I need to finish and execute! I have the talent, I am striving for the motivation. I am blessed that I really do have a good spread of genres for my portfolio, as it stands now.

Those are the big ones. The others are big too, but they are more personal. I hope I become a better person (especially a better wife). I hope it shows, too.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Confession & Online File Sharing

Ok So for those of you who know me, I am a computer junkie. I am for lack of a better word a pack rat with information. My collection of Music, Videos, Games, Software, eBooks, Training materials, Pictures, Etc. Exceed 1 Terabyte of information. I can get my hands on just about anything... I know, I have an issue, I think it stems from my mother and her habit of being a pack rat with Furniture and all kinds of crap! Her house is WAAAAYYY too full. At least mine takes up a DVD holding case and thats it. lol

So Aside from the obvious I found a sweet little widget for our blog that I can host files on that I enjoy. Its to the right with all the rest. I have uploaded a game I find absolutely addicting and love! World Of Goo. I have it for Mac and PC. Try it and you will see what I mean. Also, I was thinking about other files to share and I thought about out wedding video. So I threw it up. Check it out. Its kinda like an interactive DVD on your computer at only 37GB. I had a blast making it and have made a few others. I thought about doing it professionally but I'm not sure yet.

Anyways, keep your eyes on the file sharing widget for other cool files!


I really enjoyed this game. Aimee and I went over to Jeremy and Alisha's house and had a potluck with a number of Alisha's friends. The food was fantastic. Alisha has these meatballs that are amazing! The game was fun to watch too. Utah was so underestimated in this game! Check it out below you can watch the full thing! This is for you Jeremy! LOL