Thursday, March 12, 2009

Alphabet Weekend "B" and the upcoming "C"

So, it wasn't really done on a weekend, but this past Monday, Jason and I joined our bestest of friends (except Tyler and Destiny.... :( ) and had a "Beauty Night" for the girls and the boys just did "Boys' Night." We really had a blast, but didn't take our camera for proof of the fun.

Us ladies, thank you to the magical and talented Katrina, gave ourselves facials and other girl stuff, topped off with eyebrow waxing. I left feeling like a princess with super smooth skin - which looks even better today!

Da boys, played around with some martial arts and on the Wii. They seemed to have a lot of fun.... I was too busy having my own fun! :)

So, that's "B." Huge "Thank You" to Katrina for hosting and giving us TONS of samples! Now for "C"...

"Couples Cookoff." This is, for now, to be hosted by Kellie. We are each planning on preparing one portion of a meal: Appetizer, Main, Dessert, etc. as a couple while we are all together at Kellie's house. This gives us time to hang out while the food is cooking and getting prepared and will challenge our couple cohesiveness....

I know this was supposed to be an activity for a bunch of people to join, but Kellie offered to host it and I can't invite people to her house.... Next time, guys!