Monday, March 2, 2009

"A"n Evening of "A"mor

Ok, so I should have posted this blog a while ago... but I have a great excuse why I am just getting to it now! Ha!

So, 5 couples met on the evening of Friday the 13th - the night before Valentine's Day. We had a great time together - so great, in fact, that we forgot to take pictures! We had heart-shaped pizza, which was excellent - along with a divine homemade chocolate mousse (courtesy of Katrina) that was actually made with avocados! Then we had chocolate fondue for dessert (as if we needed more chocolate, huh!) with all the trimmings - strawberries, marshmallows, cinnamon bears, bananas, oreos and a bunch of other stuff. While we sat around the warm fondue pots, we played "Loaded Questions" - which was a load of fun and trouble!

So, anyway, for those who missed.... your loss! Just kidding. We have planned our activity for "B", but because Katrina is our private esthetician and has offered to host it, we have to keep this one a bit private. But, I promise "C" will be open to all and tons of fun!!! It will be planned within the next week so we can give everyone fair notice. Have a great St. Patrick's Day!


Alisha said...

hmmm i wonder what that excuse could be? ;)