Friday, October 3, 2008

Best 80's Cartoon?

Hey, Everybody! So I have recently undertaken a number of new projects. The first one is the upkeep of this blog. The second is making a Ghost out of cheesecloth for Halloween. Its always been my favorite holiday! Anyways, it's drying right now and as soon as its done I will put a couple of pictures on here to show you how freaking cool it is! It's really simple to make too. Anyways, the third project is more out of curiosity and goes along with the blog. Its a Poll!! Anybody can vote and its completely anonymous. The first one is Which is the best 80's Cartoon? I know there were a ton of them but for the four that are listed please vote! And, if yours wins I will post a video or maybe even an entire episode of it on the blog for everyone to watch! So get voting. Its just right over here -------------------> on the right side of the blog.


Tim said...

hey dork! what's your e-mail? all i have is your u address.