Monday, January 12, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Ok, Ok, I know that it is the 12th of January... not the first. But, I have been taking this New Year's Resolutions thing seriously. I would like to think that this year will be a better year and that I will be able to end 2009 a better person. I have been thinking about my own goals and what motivates me and I have tried to use those things to make a list of things I want to accomplish THIS year (not in 20 years), and how I want to start directing my life.

Goals I have set for myself:

1) I am dedicating myself more whole-heartedly to working out and improving my body and overall health. This includes running 5-6 days a week, toning my muscles, and doing yoga regularly. Oh, and eating a better diet... no more cookies and brownies for breakfast! Think oatmeal and blueberries...

2) I am striving to improve my mind and spirit. I write in my journal almost daily (at least weekly), read my scriptures daily, and I am going to start reading books again - like one a month. No more Women's Health magazine and SELF - I need real reading material!

3) I am starting to draw and paint again. This really fits under "improving mind and spirit," but it is important enough that I have to list it separately.

4) I am more dedicated to my work and being more creative. I have a bunch of websites on the table and in my head that I need to finish and execute! I have the talent, I am striving for the motivation. I am blessed that I really do have a good spread of genres for my portfolio, as it stands now.

Those are the big ones. The others are big too, but they are more personal. I hope I become a better person (especially a better wife). I hope it shows, too.


miss kristen said...

I can't believe you ever stopped drawing and painting!! You are SO TALENTED!! It made me sad to read you had stopped.

Good luck with your resolutions. I know you'll achieve them!!
(And I'm pretty sure you're an awesome wife.) :)

miss kristen said...

Oh, and I'm in a book club--you're welcome to join if you want. :)